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INSA timetable information

Tel.: 0391 5363180

Transit Maps

Our line network plan as well as other plans and maps show you the easiest way around the rail and bus network in Saxony-Anhalt and the MDV area (Leipzig/Halle). Check out the files below.

Maps and plans for regional trains and busses

  • [Translate to English:] Liniennetzplan

    Network Map 632 KB

    Official network map with all lines and stations.

  • Vergabenetze und Verkehrsunternehmen

    Network Map - Expert Version 181 KB

    Map with information on networks and transport companies as well as details on journey frequency and timetable routes

  • Linienverzeichnis

    Line directory 123 KB

    List of all train, S-Bahn, PlusBus and TaktBus lines in Saxony-Anhalt